We have implemented dozens of server-specific commands and features to enhance gameplay and provide additional convenience for players. You can find a list of these commands below. You can always use /commands in game for a list of available commands and /help for general information about the server.
Note that while many Rust in-game commands are available to all players, some Rust are restricted to players based on earned rewards. Rusty Monkey is not pay-to-play and all features can be earned in game. Check out RANKS and the FAQ for more info.
/info -- Show available info about the server.
/report <message> -- Report an issue with another player to staff privately.
/bug <message> -- Send a description of a bug to staff privately.
/tod -- Display the time of day in game as well as day and night length.
/playercount -- Display the count and names of players online.
/pm <player name> <message> -- Send a private message to another player.
/dnt -- Toggle Death Notes notifications for the current user (Death Notes are enabled by default).
Backpack (extended)
/backpack -- Open your own extended backpack.
/backpackgui -- Toggle whether you can see the backpack GUI button.
/br -- Toggle base repair on and off. With base repair enabled, you can repair all items in the base (if you have materials to do so) by hitting any block with a building hammer.
/remove -- Enable/disable RemoverTool.
/up <1/2/3/4> -- Upgrade building you are looking at: 1 = wood, /up 2 = stone, /up 3 = sheet metal, /up 4 = armored.
/down <1/2/3/4> -- Downgrade each block attached to the building.
/bskin -- Open a GUI to set your default build skins.
/bskin build -- Update the skin of the block you are looking at and everything that touches it.
/bskin all -- Update the skin of all buildings owned by you (the player).
/autokit -- Open the autokit UI... choose whether you receive auto-kit on respawn.
/kit -- Open the Kit menu... see and load available kits.
/kit <kitname> -- Claim the specified kit.πMust be earned; see RANKS.
LightING - AutomateD
/lantern global -- Toggle ALL lights and automation on/off across the whole server (ADMIN ONLY).
/lantern campfire -- Toggle automation on campfires you own.
/lantern firepit -- Toggle automation on firepits you own.
/lantern fireplace -- Toggle automation on fireplaces you own.
/lantern furnace -- Toggle automation on furnaces you own (DISABLED).
/lantern largefurnace -- Toggle automation on large funaces you own (DISABLED).
/lantern lanterns -- Toggle automation on lanterns you own.
/lantern jackolantern -- Toggle automation on jack'o'lanterns you own.
/lantern tunalight -- Toggle automation on tuna can lights you own.
/lantern refinery -- Toggle automation on refineries you own (DISABLED).
/lantern cursedcauldren -- Toggle automation on cursed cauldrons you own.
/lantern chineselantern -- Toggle automation on chinese lanterns you own.
/qlist -- Show your current list of WIP quests.
/outpost -- Teleport to the Outpost and talk to Jack in the OVERLOOK QUEST ROOM. πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/rec -- Open a portable recycler (drag materials into it to recycle).
/recycler.craft -- Craft a personal recycler that can be deployed. You will need materials.
/pr -- Open PlayerRanks GUI.
/pr chat -- Enable/Disable chat announcements.
/pr optout -- Have your stats removed from, or included in, public displays.
/daily -- Open the daily reward screen and select one of 3 options. Can be used every 24 hours.
Paintball Game
/pbjoin -- Join a paintball game in the sky (when it's active)!!
/pbleave -- Leave an active paintball game (cough... coward).
/pbprize -- Claim your prize (if you win).
/playtime -- Displays your name and your playtime.
/playtime top -- Display the top 10 play times in chat.
/playtime lastwipe -- Displays the last time the data was wiped.
SKILLS via SkillTree
/st -- Opens the skill tree menu so that you can spend skill points to earn buffs.Β
/movebar -- brings up a ui that can be used to relocate the xp bar on the players screen.
/sb or score or scoreboard -- Chat and console command that brings up the scoreboard, showing who has the most xp.
/sttogglenotifications -- Toggle notifications from SkillTree buff triggers.
/togglebc -- Toggles the BetterChat title on/off for the user.
/togglexpdrops -- Toggles the xp popup when obtaining xp.
/togglexphud -- Toggles the xp hud on the players screen.
/turbo -- Toggles the turbo on the boat if the player has the relevant perk.
/skin -- Open the skinbox where you can customize your skins in inventory.
/rs -- Open the skinbox to ReSkin the item you are viewing.
/shop -- Open the Rusty Monkey in-game store (takes reward points or RP).
/buy raid -- buys a raid (Raidable Bases). Type the command and use the UI to buy bases.
/rb -- for players to see the Raidable Bases ladder (also for admins to see the status of each raid going on, which includes showing the allies and owners of each raid).
/sil <url> -- Display an image on the sign you are viewing (raw ignores jpeg enforcement).
/silt <message> <fontsize: number> <color: hex value> <bgcolor: hex value> -- Display text and optional fontsize, color, bgcolor on the sign.
/autoauth -- View status of automatic authorization.
/autoauth team -- Enable/disable authorizing your team access to your stuff (TC, boxes, doors, etc.).
/outpost -- Teleports yourself to Outpost (if set).πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/bandit -- Teleports yourself to Bandit Town (if set). πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/tpinfo -- Shows limits and cooldowns.
/tphelp -- Shows teleport help.
/home add <name> -- Saves your current position as the location <name>. (alias sethome).πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/home list -- Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved. (alias listhomes).
/home remove <name> -- Removes the location <name> from your saved homes. (alias removehome).πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/home <name> -- Teleports you to the home location.πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/tpr -- Sends a teleport request to the player.πMust be earned; see RANKS.
/tpa -- Accepts an incoming teleport request.
/tpc -- Cancel teleport or request.
Trade with other players when they're online:
/trade <player> -- Initiate a trade request with <player>. Note that <player> must be online.
/atrade <player> -- Accept pending trade. <player> input is optional, can exclude if there aren't more than one pending trades.
/dtrade <player> -- Decline pending trade. <player> input is optional, can exclude if there aren't more than one pending trades.
/ltrade -- Opens the player list UI on which you can browse or search through and click on them to request a trade with them.
Transportation (Horses, Vehicles, etc.)
Vehicle Licenses
Spawn, dismiss, and recall your own personal vehicles after purchasing them either in the shop or through the UI using RP. This includes: Rowboats, Tugboats, RHIBs, Sedans, MiniCopters, AttackHelicopters, TransportHelicopters, SubmarineSolos, SubmarineDuos, Snowmobiles, and TomahaSnowmobiles.
/vlicense -- Show help for buying vehicles.
/vbuy -- Buy a vehicle license.
/vspawn --Β Show help for spawn commands, and spawn a vehicle.
/vrecall -- Recall vehicles to the vicinity of the player.
/vkill -- Kill/dismiss the player's vehicle.
/hclaim -- When you are MOUNTED on a horse, claim the horse.
/hrelease -- When you are MOUNTED on a horse, release (unclaim) the horse.
/vote -- Show vote link(s) to vote for the server.
/rewardlist -- Display what VOTING reward(s) you can get.
/claim -- Claim vote reward(s).